Children's Ministry

Kid's Group:  Part of our Sunday evening ministry this group is for boys and girls in grades 1 through 6.  Activities include singing, Bible study & games.

Pre-School:  Part of our Sunday evening ministry this group offers age appropriate learning, games and singing.

Teen Group:  This Sunday evening ministry is for people in grades 7 through 12th grade.  Each week the teens play games, eat snacks, study the Bible & enjoy fellowship.

Adult Lounge:  A place to talk, share and be encouraged in a relaxed non-judgmental atmosphere.

Camp Praise-A-Lot:  Who wants to go to school during summer vacation when you can go to camp!  Our one week Bible camp in the middle of summer is wild, wet, wacky & just what kids love.  Bible stories come to life each day before the kids go off to play games, make crafts & enjoy tasty treats.  The Thursday evening family BBQ is great time for parents to come & play as they fellowship with each other.  (Check the calendar page for exact dates & times.)

Youth Explosion:  One week of Bible camp for teens; featuring in-depth and challenging Bible studies focused on real life plus team building games, art projects and food.

Adult & Family Ministry

Family Supper:  Sunday* 5:00pm all are welcome; no charge

Ministry Time:  Sunday* 5:30pm for children, teens & adults.

    *  This ministry runs during the school year only not summer.

Need a permission slip for one of our events?  Just click on the words "Permission Slip" up above for a universal down loadable form.  Print it off, fill it out then return before the event. 
Where Faith is Expressed in Love...